Little Girl On The Go

Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Post.

How do you name a blog? This was the question I asked myself as I sat down to create this thing. Actually, it was probably in the shower or while making food for the kids, or some other thing like that, but you get the idea. I kept thinking of different ideas and then saying (yes, I talk to myself...), "too silly", "too dramatic", "too long", "too short".....
Finally, I was getting my baby girl dressed for the day and saw her shirt in the basket of clean laundry, one of my favorite shirts. It has 3 elephants on it and under it says "Little girl on the go".
Really, it describes my life. I do, indeed, have 3 little girls who are constantly on the go, in our house or on adventures. And I often feel like I'm still a little girl myself, discovering the world each day.....
And that was sort of it, I named my blog after a shirt in the clean laundry pile! Hope you enjoy it as much as I plan to!

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